How can you break a narcissist’s heart?

How can you break a narcissist’s heart?

Narcissists are often in love with the idea of being in love. They’re attracted to the drama and the intensity of a new relationship. But once the novelty wears off, they’re quick to move on. If you want to break a narcissist’s heart, you need to be prepared for the games they’ll play.

Narcissists are experts at love bombing. This is when they shower you with attention and affection in the beginning of a relationship. They’ll text you all day, call you constantly, and want to see you every chance they get. It can be intoxicating. But once they have you hooked, they start to pull back. The texts become less frequent, the calls become shorter, and they start to cancel plans. This is known as the devaluation phase.

If you’re in a relationship with a narcissist, you need to be prepared for their games. They’ll love bomb you, then devalue you, then discard you. It’s a painful cycle, but you can break free.

The first step is to recognize the signs. If you’re being love bombed, pay attention to how the narcissist is making you feel. Are you being suffocated with attention? Do you feel like you can’t live without them? These are warning signs that you’re being manipulated.

The next step is to set boundaries. Narcissists will try to control every aspect of your life. They’ll tell you what to wear, who to spend time with, and where to go. But you need to assert yourself and set boundaries. Tell them what you will and will not tolerate.

The final step is to walk away. This is the most difficult part, but it’s also the most empowering. Once you realize you’re being manipulated, you can take back control of your life. You don’t need to be a victim of the narcissist’s games.

If you want to break a narcissist’s heart, you need to be prepared for their games. But you also need to remember that you’re not alone. There are others who have been through this pain and come out the other side. You can too.